An 8-part drama set in a fictional performing arts school climaxing with a ninety minute episode in which the students perform in their end of term showcase. Preceeded by two documentary episodes show...
The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of drums growing louder, and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fig...
Netflix拿下YA漫画小说《心跳停止 Heartstopper》改编的半小时剧集,共8集。 原作者Alice Oseman负责改编,《火炬木小组》导演Euros Lyn执导,打造了《婚情咨文 State of the Union》的See-Saw Films为制片公司。 《心跳停止》讲述了Nick和Charlie的故事,他们是就读于一所男子文法学校的两个英国少年。Charlie是公...