Will, a young Hispanic gay potter, is one gregarious guy. His boss is terrible, but he's got a great boyfriend and a great job. Unfortunately, behind that veneer is a dark past of violence and mental ...
A mother's dying warning fails to keep her estranged children away from the homestead. Siblings Hari and Eka return to find that their mother's reputation as a witch precedes her. Based on rumors of s...
沃格特(Vogt)撰写并导演了有关四个孩子(6至12岁)的故事,而这件事引起了父母的注意,而他们的无辜玩耍又变成了其他事情。电影制作团队写道:“神奇而令人毛骨悚然的事情开始发生。《无辜者》是一部成人电影,讲述了进入儿童秘密世界的令人震惊的旅程。” 本片由Maria Ekerhovd Mer Film发行。...
当A先生醒来时,发现自己全身赤裸地躺在放满水的浴缸中,而他的肾脏被偷去了。浴缸旁边的墙壁上赫然写着go to the hospital”。A先生急于找回他的肾,却遇到了陌生男人递给他纸条,叫他去见一位女作家。女作家说他只存在于她的剧本里,她不知如何给他结局,要他自己掌握自己的命运。镜头外,戏已快要拍完,男主角将与A先生见面...紧要关头,A先生如何结束这一场戏,又能否找回自己的肾... 2008...