The film takes place in Toulouse and tells the story of Jean, a 55 year-old policeman who discovers his son, Maxime, and his son's boyfriend hanged in a hotel room. The autopsy shows that he died ...
Peter Boyd探长指挥着一支经过多种训练的警探和科学家的警察队伍-悬案小组,使用现代的方法和原来调查时还没有的新科技来专门调查的未破获的老谋杀案。 Det. Supt. Peter Boyd (played by Trevor Eve) is the leader of a multi-discipline police team of detectives and scientist...
The girls return to Malory Towers along with new girl, Ellen Wilson. A new head of form has to be elected, with Darrell, Alicia and Gwendoline all nominated for the position....
于8月10日上线﹑Jeremy Bronson主创的Netflix新喜剧《All About The Washingtons》是根据Rev Run/Joseph Simmons及Justine Simmons经历改编的自传式家庭喜剧,剧中传奇说唱歌手Joey Washington(Rev Run饰)退下来后,他的妻子Justine决定借此追求个人事业,而Joey则要肩负起照顾孩子,保持家中秩序的责...