作为中东第一支也是唯一一支女性激流金属(thrash metal)乐队,“塞壬之奴”(Slave to Sirens)正如名字中魅惑的海妖塞壬一样,充满着吸引力。身处政局动荡的贝鲁特,五位乐队成员宛如照亮表达、反抗与独立之路的灯塔。这些女性以优雅的姿态、原始的热情和对艺术惊人的执着,在动荡的环境中走过青春的情感旅程。当她们努力应对着友谊、性向的复杂,面对着周遭的破坏时,她们的勇气也在经受着考验。...
A man recently released from a mental institute inherits a mansion after his parents die. After a series of disturbing events, he comes to believe it is haunted....
Will, a young Hispanic gay potter, is one gregarious guy. His boss is terrible, but he's got a great boyfriend and a great job. Unfortunately, behind that veneer is a dark past of violence and mental ...
在隔离的索马福里精神诊所的围墙后面,哈尔.莱格兰医生正在试验他的“心理治疗法”。这是一种用来释放病人压抑的情绪有争议的治疗方法,他把他的明星病人娜勒隔离起来,但是当她在治疗过程中变得愤怒的时候,愤怒杀手加害了诊所外面的无辜的人们,莱格兰的方法和这些恐怖的谋杀之间有什么关系?答案将释放新的绝对的恐怖! 国际影坛最富争议性、最成功的导演之一。一九七五年的处女作〈THEY CAME FROM WITH...
Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company ...