World renowned chef Gordon Ramsay puts 12 aspiring young chefs through rigorous and devastating challenges at his restaurant in Hollywood, "Hell's Kitchen", to determine which of them wi...
麦克?萨维奇(Ben Stewart 饰)是纽约警署一名普通警员,他从小生活在缺乏温暖和关爱的家庭里,母亲贩毒,父亲与妓女鬼混,这使得麦克形成了自闭和阴暗的性格。成为警员后,他经常受到嫌疑人的羞辱和诘问,这令其内心的黑暗进一步扩大。 心理逐渐失衡的麦克开始绑架年轻女子,然后用白色绷带缠住的头部,将她们打扮成木乃伊的模样杀害。急于平息民众恐慌的纽约警署并为深入调查,而是找来替罪羔羊。这让麦克更...
Prince Fichael and his crew as they venture out of their domed human city to fight the evil aliens that want to kill them. As they begin their journey, Fichael quickly discovers that all is not what i...
《黑豹 Black Panther》的Letitia Wright及《星球大战 Star Wars》新三部曲演员John Boyega加盟BBC剧《细斧 Small Axe》,这部剧已获Amazon购下美国点播权。 这部6集剧会讲述5个不同的故事,背景设置在60-80年代的伦敦西印度社区。剧集标题来自牙买加谚语「If you are the big tree, we are the small a...