被丈夫绝情抛弃后,蕾莉(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)必须独自抚养年龄尚小的孩子,生活水平因此一落千丈,为了能够维持家庭的日常开销,蕾莉来到了一家水疗养生中心应聘按摩师的职位。随着时间的推移,蕾莉发现表面上守法经营的水疗馆背地里其实是一家为高端人士提供色情服务的妓院,迫于生活的压力,蕾莉成为了其中的一员。 蕾莉和孩子所生活的小镇民风淳朴而保守,如何守住自...
Amazon直接预订改编自Robert Jordan小说的诗史奇幻剧《时光之轮 The Wheel of Time》,剧集版由Rafe Judkins负责制片。《时光之轮》小说系列共有14部+一部前传(后3部因作者Robert Jordan逝世,改由Brandon Sanderson接手),剧集讲述在一个魔法世界里,只有女性能使用一种被称为两极力的力量,而她们被称为两仪师。 身为两仪师的女主...
The connected lives of two separate strangers, each facing their own struggles, viewed through the prism of UK grime and drill music, and giving a perspective of inner city London....
Holloway Riding School, rivals of Bright Fields, steals the cup from them, so Zoe and Pin decide to go and bring it back. Meanwhile Rosie tries to fit in....
Luke (Elis James 饰)在不经意间发现自己成为一名银行劫匪的逃路司机和被怀疑是银行抢劫犯的女友的哥哥和所谓的朋友 - Jason(Kadiff Kirwan 饰),后来被逮捕后判在 Young Offender Institution Sunnybank View 服刑两年。更糟糕的是,Luke 还要和 Jason 住在同一间牢房。Luke 为此将不得不依靠杰森的街头智慧,让他得以在...
"The 4400" tells the stories of 4,400 alien abductees after they are returned to earth. In the words of the executive producers, these are stories of people dealing with traumatic changes, d...