From the creators of Hulu’s “Fyre Fraud,” LuLaRich is a true-con docuseries about LuLaRoe, the women’s internet apparel company that went from fast-growing retail phenomenon to alleged viral multi-lev...
加拿大CBC宣布预订11集新剧《Frankie Drake》。故事设定在上世纪二十年代(也就是加拿大历史上臭名昭著的华人移民禁令时期和反共时期),Lauren Lee Smith扮演多伦多唯一的女私人侦探,她专门承接警方不想办理也无力办理的案件。她知道如何运用自己的「女性资本」,但她并不总是在法律的范畴内行事。在搭档Trudy的帮助下,「Frankie与Drake侦探社」有能力迎接任何挑战。Fra...
《衰女翻身》“Sabrina” Sofia Black-D'Elia将会在剧中饰演一名固执的酒鬼“Samantha Fink”,当一次令人尴尬、难登大雅之堂的酒疯行为后,她被迫回到关系疏离的家里,试图戒酒并且避免牢狱之灾。Samantha童年时最好的朋友向其揭晓了许多令人惊讶的消息,这让Samantha意识到自己不再有资格成为一名派对动物—而她更是一团行走的灾难。...
Ragna is a fiercely courageous cop who infiltrates a nationalistic subculture following a killing in Norway. Ragna's journey pulls her into a spiral of hatred while a terrorist plot targeting the ...
Based on Philipp Meyer’s celebrated debut novel, American Rust is a compelling family drama and a timeless story of wanting a brighter future while being held prisoner by the past. The story of surviv...