斯班赛(道恩·强森 Dwayne Johnson 饰)曾经是一名在赛场上叱咤风云的橄榄球明星,如今,已经退役的他必须忘记往日的那些令他热血沸腾的“峥嵘岁月”,并且尝试着在橄榄球队理财经理这个职位上找到人生新的方向和意义。 里奇(约翰·大卫·华盛顿 John David Washington 饰)是一名天赋极高的外接手,然而,他那阴晴不定的性格和过分情绪化的个性迟早有一天会成为阻碍他前进的绊脚...
After a family tragedy, Paula, a forensic investigator, is wrongly admitted to a psychiatric hospital. There, her mind wanders through shadowy and dubious pathways, until reaching the brink of insanit...
本剧基于Jeff Pearlman的书籍《Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers Dynasty of the 1980s》创作,聚焦1980年代的洛杉矶湖人队,讲述队员的职业生涯和个人生活,以及那些在球场内外帮助定义了一个时代的非凡人物。在"表演时刻"期间,湖人队称霸NBA,5夺总冠军,是体育界最受...
Kyra Berry, a 14 year old USA gymnast arrives in Australia to try and win a scholarship at an elite Gymnastics Academy. It's a second chance but also her last....