怀揣梦想的美食达人祁剑,冒冒失失的走进本市有着悠久历史的美食一条街“雕花夜市”。开启了自己的“美食奇遇记”……在这里他结识了“雕花夜市”的“四大家族”:视为水火的烧烤派两大分支——工业赛博风的“铁签派”与竹签七贤之首的“竹签派”、纯手工以力量制胜的“饼帮”、各色风情的旗 袍美女组成的“海鲜坊”以及全产业链体系化管理的“望鸡楼”——由鸡架教父杜 sir 帯领。 因为齐健的到来,让本来松散,各顾...
Alex is a shy accountant living in London. He is reluctant to step out of his comfort zone, but when he falls in love with an adorable French artist named Penelope, he pretends to be a talented artist...
In the wild west, two brothers embark on a journey to collect a bounty in a desperate attempt to save their home: but what they find along the way is more than they bargained for....