No tricks here - just a treat to a sizzle reel and a tease of Season 2, which premieres two months from today - Thurs, Sept. 29 (8:30-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS! The hit comedy was the #1 new television s...
On December 31, the battle for the soul of the Valley reawakens. New alliances. Higher than ever stakes. Who will take it all at the All Valley Tournament?...
杰西卡·查斯坦将主演乡村音乐女王塔米·温妮特(Tammy Wynette)的传记限定剧《乔治和塔米》(George & Tammy,暂译)。该剧改编自乔治·琼斯和塔米的女儿乔琪莎·琼斯撰写的书籍《The Three of Us: Growing Up with Tammy and George》,讲述了这对乡村音乐眷侣六年的婚姻生活,以及在此期间创作的金曲《We’re Gonna Hold...
Apple的流媒体平台AppleTV+旗下自制剧——太空科幻剧《为了全人类》(For All Mankind)发布预告,这是AppleTV+旗下首部曝光预告的剧集。 该剧由乔尔·金纳曼、莎拉·琼斯(《诅咒》)主演,讲述美国在太空登月竞争中输给了苏联,NASA宇航员们要向火星等更远的地方探索的故事。剧集主创为《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》的幻想剧大手罗纳德·D·摩尔,《冰血暴》制片人马特·沃伯特&...