Blood Sisters tells the story of two friends Sarah (Ini Dima-Okojie) and Kemi (Nancy Isime). Sarah is engaged to her dream man, Kola (Deyemi Okanlawon.) However, their seemingly idyllic union has a da...
Ruby centers on Ruby Landry (Raechelle Banno), born in the Louisiana bayou and watched over by her loving Grandmère Catherine (Judd). Ruby is filled with hope as love blooms with her high school sweet...
BBC最新高清纪录片,将镜头瞄准我们这颗星球上的植物,由主持人Iain Stewart 教授带领大家走进植物的世界,了解植物的起源及生命机理。这个主持人之前主持过 - 地球的力量, 非常喜欢主持人Iain Stewart 教授,可能就是因为这个带有浓重苏格兰口音的家伙,该系列纪录片知识性很强,而最难能可贵的是,专业乏味的植物学知识在他和BBC主创人员鬼斧神工般的技巧下变得娓娓动听!堪称高清版的 -...
Bruce, a successful money manager to the stars, and his beautiful Swedish girlfriend Emma seem to be the perfect couple, so it only seems natural that when Emma decides to leave New York to accept a p...