BLAZE YOU OUT focuses on a young woman's journey to find her missing sister in the heart of a brutal underworld controlled by the heroin trade. The story takes place in the beautiful Esperanza Val...
In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notorious addresses....
正当人们准备高高兴兴过节的时候,古老的玛雅预言似乎要实现了…… 在该片中,一连串与神秘的玛雅预言及圣诞颂歌《The 12 Days of Christmas》存在某种联系的灾难将一座小镇拖向毁灭的边缘,并且这种现象正快速传遍全世界。一个父亲(Ed Quinn,《小镇疑云》)发现自己的女儿(Magda Aponowicz,《天赐》、《卡布里卡》)是「天选之人」——只有她能够阻止更大灾难的...
Written by Daragh Carville (Being Human), the third season introduces us to Lisa Armstrong’s replacement, DS Jenn Townsend, who struggles to balance her family’s house move alongside the pressures of ...