Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of the chef and the artist will cross and cause the bir...
In the wild west, two brothers embark on a journey to collect a bounty in a desperate attempt to save their home: but what they find along the way is more than they bargained for....
《尼兰格》讲述的是一名NBI特工与一名日本跨国有组织犯罪集团的女继承人联手,终结了几个世纪以来molikan.com教的古老诅咒,这一诅咒可能是马尼拉一连串杀戮事件的罪魁祸首。 Nilalang is about an NBI agent who teams up with an heiress to a transnational organized crime syndicate in ...
晴朗的一天,三年前痛失男友的珍娜(丝柯·泰勒-考普顿 Scout Taylor-Compton 饰)与好友瑞妮(克里斯蒂娜·尤罗尔 Christina Ulloa 饰)、迈克(迈克尔·科彭 Michael Copon 饰)以及新结识的帅气青年伊安(特拉维斯·范·文克 Travis Van Winkle 饰)前往某个乡村,参加当地举行的五月节。湖畔小屋,笑语欢歌,青年男女们纵情欢乐,只有珍娜强颜欢笑...