Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social an...
在险恶的日据时代,赛德克族被迫失去自己的文化信仰,男人须服劳役不得狩猎、女人帮佣不能编织彩衣,骁勇善战的英雄莫那鲁道(林庆台 Ching-tai Lin 饰),见证三十年来的压迫统治。因一场误会种下日警和赛德克族的紧张关係,自此族人便活在恐遭日警报复的阴霾中,忍辱负重的莫那鲁道在深思后,虽知将面临灭族危机,但他明白唯有挺身为民族尊严反击,才能成为真正的赛德克人,于是决心带领族人循着祖灵之训示,夺回...
改编自D. Eric Maikranz所著小说《转世文献》(The Rein carnationist Papers),聚焦一个被自己前两世的记忆缠绕的男子,引出一群几乎长生不死、几世纪来多次转生的人,被称为“无限/无穷之人”,他们的组织叫“Cognomina”。为了打败想毁灭地球的邪恶力量,他们必须依靠这个精神分裂的男子,而后者先要搞清楚:他常做的奇怪的梦都是前世的记忆。...
On the border between United States and Mexico, once every 20 years, there are days that locals call timelessness. At this time the gods, to whom the ancient Mayan tribes made sacrifices, descend to e...