曼莫(路易斯?费尔南多?佩纳 Luis Fernando Pe?a 饰)与父母生活在墨西哥小镇桑塔安那,靠务农为生。德里奥水公司在附近河流建坝拦水,至使整个地区严重缺水。高昂的水价致使走投无路的农民去坝上偷水。德里奥水公司在美国境内的总部则雇佣飞行员鲁迪(雅各布?维加斯 Jacob Vargas 饰)通过精神连线遥控操作无人轰炸机打击“恐怖分子”保护水坝,炸毁了曼莫的住所,曼莫的父亲被当场杀死。悲...
The government cover-up of the causes behind a massive explosion in a futuristic UK metropolis spur photo journalist Jennifer Preston on to search for the truth and in the process blow open a paranorm...
A group of teenagers met at an hospital and learned that they need to make friends to deal with the problems of suffering different diseases and living in an hospital....