ABC直接预订成剧的《谷中十日 Ten Days In the Valley》由Tassie Cameron负责,主演原本是Demi Moore,后来由《罪案终结》女星Kyra Sedgwick入替。Tassie Cameron同时还将担任本剧的编剧、制作人和出品人。 Kyra S edgwick将在剧中饰演Jane Sadler,一个工作过度的电视制片人,也是一个正处于艰难离婚过程中的单身...
An urban love story set on the hard streets of the Bronx. A struggling female Pimp, named Wednesday, grows up learning the game from her dad. Once he's gone she's left to look out for her pros...
Globetrotting celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay serves up an epic adventure in "Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted." He travels around the world meeting with indigenous people to learn about their foods an...
In this new series, the director Chloe? Robichaud, whose first film Sarah pre?fe?re la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, ...
皮卡(麦克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 饰)刚刚降生就被双亲遗弃,幸运的是,一个虔诚的印度宗教家收养了嗷嗷待哺的皮卡,将他养大成人。长大后的皮卡受到故乡的召唤,远渡重洋回到了故乡美国,在那里,他利用自己印度教导师的身份开办了一个“诊所”,专门治疗恋爱中的疑难杂症。这种融合了宗教和精神力量的新颖治疗方式很快就为皮卡赢得了金钱和名誉,但当球队经理布拉德(杰西卡·阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰)...