Accomplished novelist Richard Sykes struggles to come up with a concept for a new book while trying to resolve his troubled marriage to Haley. In the process, he seeks out friends and colleagues to as...
Megan Reed, An ex-cop and a recovering alcoholic who is out of the rehabilitation center. She takes up the graveyard shift and The situation turns upside down when series of bizarre events caused by o...
This true-crime documentary film features Rosa Peral's first interview from prison since she was convicted of murdering her partner aided by an ex-lover....
时尚“男魔头” 安德烈·莱昂·塔利是美国版《VOGUE》时尚杂志前任总编,这次时尚的聚光灯汇聚到了他身上。本片通过采访与安德烈熟识的诸位设计大师和时尚名人,如Anna Wintour, Marc Jacobs, Tom Ford, Bethann Hardison, Valentino, and Manolo Blahnik,将他的职业生涯乃至人生展现给观众。...