A chilling mystery thriller, blessed by stirring imagination and striking acting performances, especially by child actors. Among witty scares invented by the director herself, we get closer to untreat...
After Melissa and her family seek shelter from a storm, they become trapped. With no sign of rescue, hours turn to days and Melissa comes to realize that she and her girlfriend Amy might have somethin...
Inspired by Christopher Nolan, members of a movie viewing club decide to make a movie. They shoot the whole process and record it for a limited edition DVD. It is a super hero movie called THE DARK NI...
关于20年前发生的神秘事件的恐怖故事。它创造了一个关于复仇的故事,引领了当今的潮流。 Horror story about mysterious events happened 20 years before. It creates a story about vengeance that leads nowadays....