美丽宁静的新西兰牧场,无数温顺的绵羊正在草场上觅食,突然远处传来令人毛骨悚然的叫声。奥利弗(马修·张伯伦 Matthew Chamberlain 饰)年幼时由于哥哥安格斯的恶作剧而患上“恐羊症”,成人后在回农场处理父亲留下的遗产时发现哥哥安格斯为了赚钱而用羊做基因试验,从而引发了一场灾难。本来温顺的绵羊突然变得凶残起来,并且迅速蔓延。但凡被已经变异的羊咬过,无论是羊或者是人都会变成可怕的食肉动物。...
黑霹雳本名Jefferson Michael Pierce,在剧中他停止当英雄多年,但因为他女儿对正义上的固执,以及他的一位明星学生被拉进当地黑帮,令他只好重出江湖,再次当起义警 - 黑霹雳。在DC漫画中黑霹雳这角色在1977初登场,是首位主要黑人英雄,本人是名奥运会十项全能金牌得主,可以从指尖生成强力的电池能量球,他表面是位深受爱戴的老师,而另一面则是化身成正义联盟的英雄黑霹雳。他有两个女儿,A...
Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories of the people whose lives are defined by the current...
25-year-old Liv still hasn’t found herself yet and lives in the provinces with her parents where she spends most of her time on the family’s orchard. So when she unexpectedly falls in love with the ch...
Suffering from amnesia, a young man trying to discover his true identity is kidnapped by an underground crime organization and turned into a ruthless assassin...