The original crime-solving series Private Eyes is a 10-episode procedural drama that follows ex-pro hockey player Matt Shade (Jason Priestley) who irrevocably changes his life when he decides to team ...
The original crime-solving series Private Eyes is a 10-episode procedural drama that follows ex-pro hockey player Matt Shade (Jason Priestley) who irrevocably changes his life when he decides to team ...
蓝天碧海,风景怡人,无数的活力四射的年轻人生活在这座美丽的城市。身为护士的山姆(阿布舍克·巴强 Abhishek Bachchan 饰)和摄影师库纳尔(约翰·亚伯拉罕 John Abraham 饰)都必须尽快租到新房子,本来素不相识的二人因为看上同一套公寓而相识。房主坚持房子只租给女士,二人急中生智谎称是同志才得到了房主的同意。公寓里还住着房东漂亮的外甥女奈哈,两个帅气的小伙子要在一个美女面前假装...
本剧(Secret Diary of a Call Girl)改编自一名自称“白日美人”(Belle de Jour)的性工作者的博客“白日美人:一位伦敦应召女郎的日记”(Belle de Jour: diary of a London call girl),讲述了一名应召女郎两面生活:面对家人,她是 Hannah(Billie Piper饰演),一个做着无聊甚至无人愿意提及的工作的法律秘书;面对...
英国ITV台电视剧《应召女郎的机密日记》依据英国伦敦一名自称为\"白日美人(Belle de Jour)\"的性工作者的抢手网络日记改编,由英国著名女歌手,同时也是《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)女主角Rose的扮演者Billie Piper主演,讲述了一名美丽的\"小姐\"Belle极端的双重生活,描画了你历来没有留意过的应召女郎的生存状态和情感阅历…...
Daonuea had a crush on Kabkluen in high school and confessed his feelings on the last day of his senior year. However, he was gently rejected by Kabkluen. Now, starting University, Daonuea discovers t...
In 1983 before the giant Suvarnabhumi international airport was built, the neglected and unoccupied area was called "King Cobra Swamp" by the locals. As building commenced, a huge old Banyan...