这部大胆的纪录片由美国小说家、学者和导演Robert H Lieberman执导,拍摄历时两年,脚本素材长达120小时,最终剪辑成为这部片长90分钟的影片。拍摄期间,导演深入当地集市、拳击训练营、诊所以及学校,采访了一百多名当地居民,试图为这个1962年以来一直隐秘的国家描绘一幅肖像。那么他究竟揭示了什么?...
五只终日脏兮兮的小狗因为贪食冰淇淋被飞机从华盛顿带到了阿拉斯加,起初,它们面对满山冰雪异常兴奋,但很快便被寒冷的天气打败。这时,它们认识了一只爱斯基摩犬,并通过它知道了一个故事。爱斯基摩犬的小主人亚当(Dominic Scott Kay)一心想参加即日举行的年度雪橇比赛,可是有伤心往事的爸爸只想他做棒球手,于是亚当日夜期盼奇迹发生:上天派给他五只小狗(加上他的爱斯基摩爱犬,刚好组成一支雪橇队)...
Written by Daragh Carville (Being Human), the third season introduces us to Lisa Armstrong’s replacement, DS Jenn Townsend, who struggles to balance her family’s house move alongside the pressures of ...
A few months have passed since the last game. Adriana left Oscar and now he lives with Gaby...and Mica. Valentin came out of the closet and is trying to be happy in this new stage of his life. Barbara...