A grief stricken captain embarks on his final mission in command of an ageing cargo ship. The ship's small crew, frustrated and discontent with their lives in deep space try to complete a successf...
被正式预订的FX剧《白粉飞 Snowfall》首季为10集,该剧由John Singleton创作,故事关于1980年代洛杉矶的毒品交易蔓延。《Boyz N The Hood》导演Singleton和Eric Amadio联合创作剧本,Adil El Arbi 与Bilall Fallah导演。这试映集经过重拍,找来Dave Andron当制作人,另外该剧抽中了税务减免。 《白粉飞》设定于毒...
Crump's mission to raise the value of Black life as the civil lawyer for the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Black farmers and banking while Black victims, Crump challenges America to co...
After settling down together and only being separated in death during the Ayutthaya era (1351-1767 CE), Dej and Karaket are reborn in the early Rattanakosin period (1782-1855 CE). But there is only on...
Nalan is a beautiful young woman who earns everyone's love at first sight with her warmth. As the only child of the family enlarged hand baby, baby roses, lived in the existence of life and Nalan ...