经过一番近乎白热化的激烈争夺,CBS夺得斯皮尔伯格及其Amblin电视制片公司开发的新剧《传世》(Extant)。为了表明他们对该剧的信心,CBS跳过试映环节直接给予该剧13集预订,并安排它在明年夏天播出。CBS对这个项目如此果断显然是因为Amblin电视制片公司开发的另一部科幻悬疑剧《苍穹下》(Under The Dome)今年夏天出人意料地大热(《苍穹下》同样跳过试映环节直接获得了13集预订)...
Maxwell Smart is back ... and loving it! And so is Agent 99, The Chief and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. Here is the legendary, Emmyr Award-winning spy-spoof series inspired by the comic ge...
Nick and Ruben are hoodwinked into a "shootfighter" (no-holds-barred, to the death) martial arts match by the evil Mr. Lee, who has a grudge against world shootfighter champ(and teacher of N...