Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriage. With the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding he...
Because of their children's bad grades, some parents want the teacher Mrs. Müller gone. They meet with Mrs. Müller and try to convince her to leave the class....
哈里(柯林·菲尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)供职于一家生意红火的画廊,日子尚且能够算是过得平静而又富足。但是,令哈里感到沮丧的是,人过中年的他要头脑有头脑,要能力又能力,可即便如此,还是要整日受自己的讨厌鬼老板沙班达尔勋爵(艾伦·瑞克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)的气。当最后一根稻草压上脊背时,忍无可忍的哈里决定要凭借自己的聪明才智,好好的将老板一军。 完美的复仇计划新鲜出炉,万事俱备唯...
Aspiring martial artist Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister, Lena, from her impending marriage. With the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding he...