Rushing to a bank robbery, Ben perfectly follows arrest procedure only to see a fugitive commit suicide. Sammy and Nate investigate the murder of a street gang member who was recently acquitted of rap...
Ben Sherman is about to complete Phase 2 of his rookie year. During Phase 3, he will be allowed to patrol solo. Detective Adams and Officer Brown are assigned new partners. Rene Cordero, Adams's n...
这部由三大艾美奖获奖演员John Wells、Ann Biderman和Chris Chulack联袂主演的罪案剧,以独特的视角讲述了发生在洛杉矶警察局的警察故事。从风光秀丽的马利布(Malibu)海滩,到错综复杂的东洛杉矶街道,到处都活跃着他们的身影--他们要与犯罪分子作斗争,要与受害人打交道,还要求得家人的理解和支持。 Michael Cudlitz("A River Runs...
Nina has been killed in a vampire attack and the gang now has to take care of baby Eve, whose werewolf heritage appears to have attracted the attention of vampire overlords known as the Old Ones. Geor...
十年前,帕波(泰勒·席林 Taylor Schilling 饰)大学毕业后结识了一名女毒贩艾丽克斯(劳拉·普莱潘 Laura Prepon 饰),与她成为恋人并随她环游世界,后来在她要求下参加了一次运毒行动。时过境迁,帕波离开了艾丽克斯,过上正常生活。一天,她和未婚夫(贾森·比格斯 Jason Biggs 饰)被警方告知,十年前那桩贩毒案被破获,帕波遭到逮捕。帕波主动来到女子监狱服刑,为期15个月...