Monsters and shootouts abound in this animated western comedy following an overconfident kid, his apathetic partner, and a spider-girl with some serious boundary issues. What will it take t...
The creators of Phineas and Ferb present a series about the descendant of the namesake for Murphy's law, which states that if anything can go wrong, it will....
《银翼杀手》出动画了!Adult Swim(《瑞克和莫蒂》)宣布将推出《银翼杀手——黑莲花》(Blade Runner — Black Lotus),一部总长13个小时的日本动画风剧集,阵容豪华:Sola Digital Arts(《奥特曼》)制作,荒牧伸志和神山健治这对《攻壳机动队》搭档执导第一季全部集数,渡边信一郎(《星际牛仔》)任创意制作人。 剧情尚保密,但故事将发生在2032年,仍然...