They’re back! The Warner brothers, Yakko and Wakko, and the Warner sister Dot, have a great time wreaking havoc and mayhem in the lives of everyone they meet. After returning to their beloved home, t...
This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, ...
This popular animated television cartoon featured two Stone Age families, the Flintstones and their neighbors, the Rubbles. Much of the humor was based on its comic portrayals of modern conveniences, ...
在这对备受瞩目的夫妇——格雷斯(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)和比她小23岁的丈夫乔伊(查尔斯·梅尔顿 Charles Melton 饰)成名于一本充满八卦的小报之后,他们的浪漫故事已经风靡全国整整20年。如今,他们准备送他们的双胞胎孩子去大学。同时,好莱坞女演员伊丽莎白(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)正在为一部拍摄格雷斯和乔伊爱情故事的电影做着演出准备,为...