《银翼杀手》出动画了!Adult Swim(《瑞克和莫蒂》)宣布将推出《银翼杀手——黑莲花》(Blade Runner — Black Lotus),一部总长13个小时的日本动画风剧集,阵容豪华:Sola Digital Arts(《奥特曼》)制作,荒牧伸志和神山健治这对《攻壳机动队》搭档执导第一季全部集数,渡边信一郎(《星际牛仔》)任创意制作人。 剧情尚保密,但故事将发生在2032年,仍然...
When police raid a house in El Paso, they find it full of dead Latinos, and only one survivor. He’s known as The Traveler, and when they take him to the station for questioning he tells them those lan...
Paramount Television﹑Anonymous Content及Sugar23三家公司联手开发Shari Lapena的同名小说改编剧《隔壁夫妇 The Couple Next Door》,这部剧集由Lila Feinberg负责执笔,讲述同住曼哈顿一公寓大厦的三对伴侣,他们将因为一宗惊人犯罪而有所交集,其后更演变互揭疮疤的事件。...