A fast-paced, high concept thriller following a 20 something layabout, who over the course of a day, is forced to make his way across an increasingly strange and sinister London, in order to save his ...
CYST is an old school monster movie in which an enthusiastic plastic surgeon will stop at nothing to patent his latest cyst-removal machine. What started out as Patricia (Eva Habermann) the nurse’s la...
在虫族突袭布宜诺斯艾利斯之后,联邦军队发动反攻,在坦戈约里击溃虫族,并在P行星虏获虫族首领。在此之后,联邦军队乘胜追击,派大军杀向虫族隔离区。残酷的战斗没有止境,机动部队第6战队遭到虫族围攻,苦盼救援部队不得,眼看灭亡在即。关键时刻,第6战队首领夏普德将军(埃德·劳特 Ed Lauter 饰)与几名士兵吸引虫族,命令霍顿(Jason-Shane Scott 饰)、珊蒂余下的战士前往最近的祖鲁角哨站...
这是一部让人心动的电影,青春、友情、亲情、爱情……辛辣且甜中带苦。十四岁的丹妮与她的姐姐总是分享任何东西,但是当爱情来临的时候,同样渴望爱与被爱的姐妹成为对手。在经历了感情的甜蜜与痛苦之后,姐妹俩获得了人生的经验,明白了爱的生活哲理。 Robert Mulligan's graceful coming-of-age drama, set in rural Louisiana in 1...