In a beach town on the Baltic Sea in Romania, G, Sam, Kensi, and Deeks check out the neighborhood while Hetty chats with the head of the Comescu family, who describes a connection to G. The team shoot...
When a car is pulled from a river with a skeleton in its boot the pathologist reckons both have been there for a quarter of a century and eventually the dead man is shown to be Taylor Kane, one of the...
虽然创造了无数令人惊叹的发明,可是华莱士(皮特·塞利斯 Peter Sallis 配音)却面临着入不敷出的窘境。为此,他决定将空置的房间对外出租。不久租客上门,来者是一只沉默冷冰冰的企鹅。某天,华莱士送给狗狗阿高的机器裤子似乎引起了企鹅的注意。此后的日子里,企鹅大献殷勤,令阿高倍感冷落,于是在一个雨夜收拾起行囊离家出走。但阿高意外发现,那只企鹅竟是警方通缉的要犯。与此同时,企鹅利用机器裤子开始了他...