故事发生在1990年,美国一名汽车修理工约翰·格雷(大卫·丹席克 David Dencik 饰)因涉嫌猥亵自己的女儿安吉拉(艾玛·沃森 Emma Watson 饰)而遭到逮捕。负责调查此案的警官布鲁斯·肯纳(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰)对约翰展开问询,而在这一过程中约翰起先承认罪行,随后又突然失忆。为了应对这一突发状况,心理学教授肯尼斯·睿恩斯博士(大卫·休里斯 David Thewl...
HBO Max将制作《欲望都市》的10集复活限定剧,剧名定为《就这样... And Just Like That…》。故事将讲述Carrie、Miranda和Charlotte面对50多岁的复杂人生和友谊。 Sarah Jessica Parker、Kristin Davis和Cynthia Nixon确认回归,Kim Cattrall缺席。回归的三人将和电影版编导Michael Patri...
The stakes are raised in season two of "MI-5", as the threat to national security increases and the need to thwart the terrorists operating within the UK becomes more urgent. Tom is investig...
This British espionage thriller centers on a team of MI-5 counter-terrorist spies collectively known as 'Spooks' because of the shadowy nature of their existence. Technically speaking, Spooks ...