Grant MacLaren and his team find themselves in FBI custody with no means of escape, while a mysterious new traveler reveals secrets to his psychiatrist.... When Weeds premieres its sixth season on August 16, Nancy and company are on the run after Shane murdered Pilar with a croquet mallet. (These things happen to th...
Allison isn't quite sure if her new friend, Amy, is a her guardian angel or a crazy person. Jane Lynch确定担任CBS新喜剧Angel from Hell的双女主之一,她的角色Amy是个大大咧咧的女汉子,有一天突然闯入了另一个女主Allison的生活并决定做她的守护天使,于是两人形成了...
《The Halcyon》的背景设置在上世纪四十年代,讲述了一家在伦敦市中心的五星级酒店的“繁华而迷人”的故事,以及它在战时所展现的另一个世界。本剧由Charlotte Jones创作,由Left Bank Pictures公司制作,由Sharon Hughff以及《唐顿庄园》制作人Chris Croucher担任执行制作人。本剧讲述了在战时的背景下,以酒店为依托,展现了家庭、政治、人物关系和工作...