It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and unsp...
Ragna is a fiercely courageous cop who infiltrates a nationalistic subculture following a killing in Norway. Ragna's journey pulls her into a spiral of hatred while a terrorist plot targeting the ...
Outside Parliament in Reykjavik, a man throws himself at the Minister for Industry, setting fire to them both. He dies, but she survives. Andri Olafsson, now working in Reykjavik, is assigned to the c...
CBS电视台的热门破案剧集《海军犯罪调查处 NCIS》衍生剧《洛杉矶海军犯罪调查 NCIS: Los Angeles》由ChrisO‘Donnell和LL Cool J出演,主角是专注于高风险的卧底及侦察任务的特别小组Office of SpecialProjects(OSP),他们将专门负责危及到国家安全的高危险罪犯。拥有各种高尖端科技以及各种不同身份的受过特殊训练的小组成员,将冒着生命危险执行...