可爱的小女孩莱莉(凯特林·迪亚斯 Kaitlyn Dias 配音)出生在明尼苏达州一个平凡的家庭中,从小她在父母的呵护下长大,脑海中保存着无数美好甜蜜的回忆。当然这些记忆还与几个莱莉未曾谋面的伙伴息息相关,他们就是人类的五种主要情绪:乐乐(艾米·波勒 Amy Poehl er 配音)、忧忧(菲利丝·史密斯 Phyllis Smith 配音)、怕怕(比尔·哈德尔 Bill Hader 配音)、厌厌(...
律师马特(本?阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰)在数年前为了救一命险些被货车撞倒的老人时,意外接触了一种放射性物质,这使得他双目失明,不过马特的其他器官却因此变得比常人灵敏百倍,即使不靠双眼,他也能洞悉身边发生的一切。马特有一名漂亮的女友,希腊大使的养女伊莱莎(珍妮弗?加纳 Jennifer Garner 饰),两人过着甜蜜的日子。一次,马特的父亲不幸受到歹徒加害而罹难了,马特伤心之余,决定靠...
Follow Jeremy, Richard, and James, as they embark on an adventure across the globe. Driving new and exciting automobiles from manufactu res all over the world....
Follow Jeremy, Richard, and James, as they embark on an adventure across the globe. Driving new and exciting automobiles from manufactu res all over the world....
Follow Jeremy, Richard, and James, as they embark on an adventure across the globe. Driving new and exciting automobiles from manufactures all over the world....